Selasa, 27 Juli 2021



Assalamualaikum Dearest Students,

Pay attention to the pictures below and think

1.         What each picture tells you about.

2.       Who needs the pictures.

3.       What you can get from the picture.

4.     Your opinion about each picture.


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

We discuss the pictures and learning materials in your class WAG based on our schedule.

12 Grader Students' Warming up Works

12 Grader Students's Warming up Works


My Activities During the Pandemic Period

Rubihatul Husni Ulwani – 12 Social 3


The ringing of the alarm woke me up, I got up and prayed the dawn prayer then took a shower and got dressed. Then I have breakfast then go to school. I am very excited for school, even though news about the Corona virus has spread throughout the country and even the world.

I hoped that my area would not be affected by the Corona virus, but it turned out that when I attended the announcement ceremony that schools were closed for 2 weeks and students had to study from home to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, it turned out that studying at home had been extended for an undetermined time. While at home, I studied online and helped my parents with their work, such as sweeping, washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning the house and others.

I have a sister, while at home I also help my parents to do my sister's online schoolwork. My sister is 15 years old, girl. My sister is very cute although sometimes annoying sometimes also acts funny to make anyone who sees her laugh too. When I was sweeping the yard, my sister also swept the yard, my sister also swept.

The month of Ramadan has arrived, but the Corona virus has not gone away, as a result, the class promotion test is done online. I also followed the online test for 1 week. After the online test, the report cards were distributed. Thank God I was in 11th grade. After the report cards were distributed, online learning was closed for several weeks.




Stay Indoors during the Pandemic

Dini Kurniawati – 12 Social 3


At the beginning of the year we were together at school with laughter, filling the whole room. But in mid-march we parted because of the corona virus that was so dangerous, many people out there were affected and many died. We studied at home without face to face, without meeting each other put us off, when the study started we usually helped each other but at home I also felt uncomfortable with the home learning that clashed with homework.

I wanted to study at school again, but the pandemic began to become even more violent because of the lack of support the prokes offered. Even though PPKM's still out there, it's nothing. When I was home studying, I barely skimmed the assignment, and I can be honest, I had less than a year to go by without opening the school packages. Reason is often said, but with the presence of a pandemic, we have to learn to be productive about how to squeeze in a time when it's time to think seriously and where to fool around.

And as this year's pandemic continues endlessly, the school I've had to take turns because I can't expect this corona virus pandemic to be completed so I can meet my friends, miss not seeing my friends for more than a year,

I was the one who invested in my home during the pandemic, into a big change for my life. For now the lie has to go because now I have a lot of time to spend designing for the future and achieving a goal.




The Dara's Dream

Afandi – 11 Social 5


It was morning when a girl who was usually called by the name Dara began to boil the water to make a glass of hot tea. Dara, is a girl who lives with a million dreams in a high-walled house.


Dara is a girl who grew up in a well-to-do family, and can even be said to be very rich. But unfortunately Dara can't support her own body without using a wheelchair, so she feels neglected even when she is in the luxurious palace.


Both of Dara's parents always ignored her because they felt that there was nothing to be expected from the girl in the wheelchair. While her sister might be embarrassed to have a sister with conditions like Dara.


Every day Dara only spends time in her room and occasionally directs her wheelchair towards the garden. The 17-year-old girl is very happy to draw in the garden to get rid of her bad thoughts that regret her situation.


One morning Dara fell out of her wheelchair, but no one in the house approached to help her. His disappointment with this made Dara have the strength to move her wheelchair towards the park complex, intending to calm down.


While sobbing in the garden, Dara was suddenly approached by a girl her age with the same condition. The girl reached out for Dara and began to say her name, which was Hana. they both get along very easily, maybe because they both understand each other's conditions.


Suddenly Hana said, “Dara, remember that no one in this world is born in vain. Maybe we can't stand up straight like other humans. But, we still have the right to feel happy. Try to accept yourself, Dara." then, finally the girl said goodbye to Dara.


Since his meeting at the park with Hana, Dara began to ponder the words spoken by the girl. Dara thinks how she can fully accept herself when people around her don't support her at all.


Dara tried to digest Hana's words slowly, although she often cried when she remembered the fact that she was just a girl who was ignored. The thing that Dara thinks about is how she can make her dream come true with these conditions.


Dara's dream is to become a painter whose works can be displayed in big exhibitions. What Dara did to start with was diligently making paintings. Dara also keeps this busy so she doesn't think about herself, who is always ignored and begins to understand Hana's words.


Slowly, Dara's dream began to come true when she secretly often posted her paintings on social media. Until one day someone came to Dara's house to meet the girl to invite her to join a painting exhibition.


Dara's parents were shocked to hear the man's words, because they did not think that Dara the wheelchair girl could produce beautiful paintings. Dara just smiled at the response of her parents and chose to accept the exhibition offer.


Various beautiful paintings are displayed in the exhibition with the theme The Dream of the Dara. Dara's parents attended the exhibition and were touched by the achievements of their daughter, who had been neglected for so long. Meanwhile, Dara feels relieved to accept her physical condition and take advantage of what she has.





Country Girl Story

Epitasari – 12 Social 5


    Maura is a village girl who lives in an underprivileged family, besides that Maura can also be said to be very smart in mastering various lessons at her school.

   Her parents look very proud to have a child like Maura who is independent and motivates many people. His father and mother worked as farmers and goat herders in the village where he lived.

    Every day Maura spends time studying. Maura aspires to be a teacher so that she can teach children who do not understand the difficult lessons.

   While studying in the park, Rachel approached Maura "hello sister, keep your spirits up, you are studying, you can definitely raise our parents' degrees" Maura then thanked her and told her sister what she wanted.

   The next day when he arrived at school, and there was a notification that Maura was summoned to the principal, Maura mumbled in her heart "what's the matter, how come I was suddenly called by the principal" with a tense face Maura rushed to meet the principal the.

    Arriving there, "Congratulations, you have become a talented student with your highest report card score among the students at this school, I hope you can continue your talent and continue to be passionate about achieving what you want"

    After talking with the principal, Maura finally told the family who were at home, her parents and sister were very enthusiastic about congratulating and touched for Maura's achievements, which we have been proud of. And Maura became even more enthusiastic about learning.


Kesepakatan Kelas 12 SMAN 4 Sukabumi


(Rindu kelas)

(Rindu sekolah 1)

Berikut adalah Kesepakatan Kelas dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

1.          Setiap Peserta didik harus mengikuti setiap kesepakatan kelas yang dibuat.

2.          Kesepakatan kelas dibuat melalui komunikasi di WA grup kelas, waktu ditentukan kemudian

3.          Berikut pokok-pokok kesepakatan kelas

a.     Setiap peserta didik mengikuti setidaknya 3 kali pertemuan google meet dalam satu semester.

b.    Peserta didik hadir dalam kelas dengan mengisi form daftar kehadiran peserta didik, ketidakhadiran peserta didik maksimal 3 kali dalam satu semester baik pembelajaran yang dilakukan di Google Meet maupun di WA grup kelas.

c.      Bila peserta didik mengalami kendala dalam belajar online melalui google meet, zoom atau WA, maka harus ada konfirmasi dari wali peserta didik atau wali kelas masing-masing

d.     Akan ada beberapa latihan,tugas individu, tugas berpasangan atau tugas kelompok. Setiap peserta didik baik secara individu, berpasangan dan kelompok harus menyelesaikan seluruh tugas yang ada di google Classroom.

Sedangkan latihan dilakukan di forum kelas google classroom, google meet dan WA grup kelas

e.     Pertanyaan tentang pokok-pokok kesepakatan kelas dilakukan di grup kelas.

f.     Karya-karya yang dihasilkan oleh peserta didik dalam bentuk apapun akan mendapat apresiasi secara immaterial. Mungkin saja karya terbaik akan terangkumdalam buku yang dicetak atau dalam bentuk lainnya.

4.        Kesepakatan yang dibuat akan dianggap sah setelah disepakati pada pertemuan dalam Google Meet khusus kelas yang bersangkutan.

Bila ada pertanyaan dibahas pada waktu giliran pembicaraan kelas di masing-masing grup WA yang disepakati.

5.       Semoga kita dapat menjalankannya dan berhasil baik untuk kelancaran pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris tahun pelajaran 2021/2022


(Rindu sekolah 2)

Senin, 26 Juli 2021

Informasi Kegiatan Semester Gasal 2021/2022

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Ms. menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan kita lakukan dalam setengah semester ini untuk kelas 12. Kegiatan belajar Bahasa Inggris dilakukan setiap hari Kamis. Jam 07.30 s.d. 08.15

1.       Pertemuan pertama               : Ruang kelas WAG : Perkenalan dan Materi pertama

2.       Pertemuan kedua                  : Google Meet         : Pembahasan materi dan tanya jawab

3.       Pertemua ketiga                    : Ruang kelas WAG  : Penguatan pemahaman materi

4.       Pertemuan keempat              : Evaluasi                     : Penilaian harian satu

5.       Pertemuan kelima                : Relaksasi                  : Penampilan pembacaan puisi, pidato atau storytelling

6.       Pertemuan keenam               : Ruang kelas WAG  : Materi kedua

7.       Pertemuan ketujuh                : Google Meet          : Pembahasan materi dan tanya jawab

8.       Pertemuan kedelapan           : Ruang kelas WAG   : Penguatan materi

9.       Pertemuan kedelapan           : Evaluasi                     :Penilaian harian dua

10.   Pertemuan ke sepuluh          : Relaksasi                  : Penampilan pembacaan puisi,menyanyikan lagu, pidato atau story telling

Demikian semoga kita semua dalam melaksanakannya dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Buku yang digunakan adalah buku Bahasa Inggris dari Perpustakaan, Modul, dan buku sumber lainnya



 Curriculum Vitae

Name   : Dwi Pratiwi, S. Pd., M. Hum.

Position : English Teacher at SMAN 4 Sukabumi since 1997.

Place of birth date: Kuningan, December 27 1971

Address : Ciaul Kibodas Sukabumi

Hobbies: Reading and Writing

Educational background:

Graduated from SDN Purwawinangun 2 Kuningan in 1984, 

Graduated from SMPN 1 Kuningan graduated in 1987, graduated from SMAN 2 Kuningan in 1990, Graduated from the Indonesian Education University Bandung in 1995, and 

Graduated from Padjadjaran University Bandung in 2010 .

Not many works have been published yet, namely

1. English worksheets used in the city of Sukabumi

2. English Learning Module for the city of Sukabumi

3. 11th Grade English Book

4. Prophet Khidr's Prayer Book, Transliteration and Translation

5. Anthology of Poetry with Teachers of SMAN 4 Sukabumi

6. Anthology of short stories from SMAN 4 Sukabumi teachers

7. Quote Anthology with SMAN 4 Sukabumi

Hopefully the next books will be published and the books can be useful for readers.

Chapter 2 Caption Text

  CAPTION TEXT đź’ˇKOMPETENSI DASAR ✅KD 3.2 👉Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk ...