Rabu, 01 September 2021

Chapter 1, Second material

 Getting a Job


Well, we are going to continue our learning activity here.

Give your full attention to the videos.

Video 1a


Video 1 b


Video 2a


Video 2b


Video 3a


Video 3b


Video 4a


Video 4b


Video 5a


Video 5b


Assignment 3


Attendance list


56 komentar:

  1. thank you miss for the material, so I can know what a job interview is and know the questions that may be asked at the time of the interview.

  2. Tadzkia Aulia R
    12 IPS 5
    That was very good material. im learned about song that motivation me, im learn about conversation job interview,im learning how to ask and answer in conversation job interview, im watched the movies trailer of spiderman no way home, Eternal, and both the video its was very amazing.

  3. Nabila Khoerunisa R_ 12 Social 5
    The material is very interesting because I can know and how to ask questions during a job interview, and it can be useful later when I am actually being interviewed.Thank you Mrs

  4. Mawar Dwi Cipta Lestari 12 Social 5
    Today's material is very helpful to motivate me to continue pursuing my dreams through the recommended videos, and it helps me to know English conversation in job interviews

  5. Thank you miss for the material, so i can know what a job interview

  6. hana fauziyah 12 ips 5
    today we learn about the good song bye rachel platten, a million dreams song, you raise me up by weslife and watch marvel trailer , also we learn conversation of job interview. that's was so happy and enjoy to learn it. thankyou ma'am

  7. Adisti Puspita R XII IPS 2
    I am always enthusiastic when studying with you, Ms., even though I am not yet fluent in English. There are always new lessons that can be taken and imitated while studying English lessons. Thank you and see you.

  8. Suci Maulianty K XII IPS 2
    this is a motivation for me because I can learn the meaning of the song and can learn job interviews well

  9. Name: Rubihatul Husni Ulwani
    Class: 12 IPS 3

    That was very good material. im learned about song that motivation me, im learn about conversation job interview,im learning how to ask and answer in conversation job interview.

  10. Dini Kurniawati XII IPS 3

    very useful I can learn how to do a good interview and provide very good motivation during job interviews.

    XII IPS 3

    The video contains an example of a job interview, the video also makes it easier for me to understand what is being asked in a job interview someday. I think the English material this time is very useful for the future of students because students have a picture of the future. Thank you Mrs. Dwi, the knowledge is very useful and enthusiastic for all of my friends.

  12. Putri Nur zahra
    Xll ips 2

    It is a very good material. i learned about songs that motivate me, i learned about job interview conversations, i how to ask and answer in a job interview,

  13. Suci Rahma Tazila
    12 IPS 4
    In this material, students can find out how a job interview takes place, so that when we do a real job interview we are not too confused because we have previously practiced it. This material also gives us experience in conducting job interviews, trains us in speaking English, and increases knowledge.

  14. Raditya IPS 5
    The video it was so usefully especially for student like us, we can try that when we usually want to get interview.

  15. Cut Farra. M 12 IPS 5

    First of all, thank you Mrs for including the link to the motivational song video. all these sample job application videos really helped me in studying job application materials, and also let me know how to speak properly and correctly when conducting job interviews.

  16. Name : Siti Haifa Nur Aisyah
    Class : 12 Social 4

    At this time I learned about conversation job interviews, there are so many things I can take from the video, namely how we apply for jobs in a company, what HRD asks in a company, as well as the motivation to learn from the songs given. Thank you miss because I can use this as a lesson for later in the future when I apply for a company.

  17. Tasya Nafilah Zahra_12 IPS 5

    All the materials are fun, we didn't know about job interviews at first, now we know and this is a very useful and helpful thing to learn, adding English vocabulary and conversation too.

  18. Kayla Syakila
    12 Social 5

    In these English subjects the assignment is varied, and always made interesting, so that it runs very pleasant and adds insight giving rise to a learning experience that is different from usual. So that it creates its own impression for me. Thank You Mrs.

  19. Najla Hafiyya 12 Social 2

    thank you ms, for learning this time it was very interesting and fun, I enjoyed learning about several things such as knowing about the lyrics of a song, how to do a job interview, and watching movie trailers.

  20. Adelia Octaviani XII IPS 2
    It is an honor for me to receive a lesson from you. The lessons given are very interesting and encouraging

  21. Asep Maulana 12 IPS 5

    I think if i learn with this way, make my learning becomes more fun and make more critical thingking

  22. Dwi Aulia Nisa_12 IPS 5

    Thank you Mrs. Dwi for sending us some links, the job interview videos really helped me to learn. This also increases my goal to learn English more because English is our second language, right. Afterward, I see how the English interview goes and what a good interview looks like. The songs that you gave are also very motivating for me to always reach my dreams. Thank you!

  23. Adinda siti sarah
    12 ips 2

    there is a will, there is a way, and trust your self you can do more and you can do the best

  24. Ira Hamidah 12 IPS 3

    Thankyou miss, that was very good material. To learn is very fun and exciting. Im learned about conversation job interviews, how to ask and answer when applying for a job, then watching the movie trailer, it was very good.

  25. Aulia Indriani Rahayu_12 IPS 2

    Thank you Ms Dwi, this lesson is very fun and adds insight so that it creates a different learning experience than usual. I enjoy learning about things like knowing about the lyrics of a song, how to do a good job interview, and watching movie trailers that motivates me to always achieve my goals.

  26. Silvi Widyarti_12 IPS 5
    Thank you Mrs. Dwi for the lesson. I really enjoyed learning about this job interview, because the material was interesting and easy to understand. Now I know what a job interview is and it motivates me to learn more.

  27. Siti Bunga Nurhaliza
    XII IPS 4

    Thank you miss for making learning materials through this blog, so the material you want to convey is easier to understand and students are also easier to find the material to be studied because it is already available.
    In this blog you share material about job interviews. There are some video links in it. The videos are very useful and also easy to learn for students.
    By learning through this blog I feel different from other learning, because it is easier, creative, and fun.

  28. Alia Rohana
    12 IPS 4

    Thank you Miss..for the material,so I can know what a job interview,in every blog there is different material but one goal and easy to reach by students.

  29. Dini Sapitri
    12 IPS 5

    "Success is not given, it is earned, but success is given to be enjoyed."

  30. The videos contained in the link above are videos that discuss examples of a job interview, besides that, there are also some lyric videos that really motivate me.

    Watching the examples of a job interview videos above, made me know what types of questions are usually asked during job interviews and how do we answer the questions asked properly and correctly.

    Learning methods in English lessons are varied and not boring, because the assignments and materials given are not only from classroom. It makes me always excited when taking English lessons.

    With a fun learning method, it makes me even more excited to continue learning and understanding English.

    Tiara Anisa Rahmah - XII IPS 5

    12 IPS 3

    Actually there is no doubt the learning method that Mrs. Dwi gave. This learning method is fun-!! And for this material, i learned how to answer the question for job interview, and sample questions given. Thank you miss, this job conversation is very helpful

  32. Muhammad Zhary Arrayyan
    12 Social 5

    The videos are easy to understand. This can be useful when one day I apply for a job and do an interview, because in the video there are some questions that are usually asked during an interview. Thank you Mrs!

  33. Ratu Rachel
    XII IPS 2

    Thank you Mrs. Dwi the video is very useful. Sometimes in a job interview session is a tricky thing. On the one hand there is a certain sense of pleasure from getting a call, but on the other hand it will cause anxiety to deal with it.
    Based on the video it helped me to know a lot about examples of the most frequently asked questions in job interviews and how to answer them, to make it easier to deal with them.

  34. In the video we learn about interviews when applying for jobs, so the material in the video is very useful for later when I want to apply for jobs so knowing how to answer questions when being interviewed, and knowing what an interview is when applying for is very useful thank you so much ms

  35. Waode Andini
    XII IPS 3
    In the video we learn about interviews when applying for jobs, so the material in the video is very useful for later when I want to apply for jobs so knowing how to answer questions when being interviewed, and knowing what an interview is when applying for is very useful thank you so much ms

    KELAS : 12 IPS 4

    Thank you for making this English learning material through a blog, so that the learning material is easier to understand and also makes it easier for students to find the material to be studied because it is already available on this blog. By learning through this blog, I feel different from other subjects, because it is easier to understand and fun. I hope that this blog is more advanced and many students visit it, in the process of learning English this blog is highly recommended for students and adds more enthusiasm to learning

  37. Reyhan Nadia Putri — XII IPS 5

    The video provides an understanding of how things are very important when a job candidate has better prepared what will be conveyed at the interview. This video also provides information that in terms of interviewing a prospective interviewer, it's good to know how this company is for what prospective applicants bring to the company.

    So in the video students can find out how to do when a job applicant is being interviewed.

  38. Fauziah Sopha A
    12 Social 5

    Thak you Mrs for sharing some of the job interviews and the music videos. The job interview videos that miss has Shared have been very beneficial to me. Because in that video I learned how to do a good and proper job interview. Through several of these videos, I learned of the common questions asked by human resources and the answers answered by the applicant. I also learned a lot of new English vocabulary. Video job interviews will also do much good especially for those who want or are waiting for a job interview call. In addition, I was able to learn the meaning of a song. They also have the underlying meanings that can provide life motivation. I enjoy learning more through this videos

  39. " The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."
    “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

  40. thank you for the material provided, the material is easy to understand

  41. Tadzkia Aulia Rahmah
    12 IPS 5

    Thank you Mrs, the material provided is easy to understand for me and can help me to do job interview assignments. This job interview material is very much needed for millennial generation children.

  42. Reva Rismawati 12 IPS 3

    thank you for the material Miss, I learned a lot about job interview. And it helps me in doing my assignments and can be useful for me in the future when I will do job interview

  43. Yuliana Dia Putri 12 IPS 3

    Thank you for the insightful knowledge of the job application material that has been explained in the miss video. I learned how to apply for a job later, if answering questions during an interview, I had to use formal language.

    12 IPS 5
    we learn about the good song by rachel platten, a million dreams song, you raise me up by weslife and watch marvel trailer , also we learn conversation of job interview. that's was so happy and enjoy to learn it. thankyou ma'am

  45. Name : Esya Aprisally Putri
    Class : 12 IPS 3

    Thank you for the video recommendations that you provided. Watching the video really inspired me to do the learning, as well as when I later did a real job interview, because it was easy to understand and I got to know the picture of a job interview.

  46. Raima jihan
    12 ips 3

    From several videos I can conclude that job application conversations can be called interviews, in these interviews discuss skills in work and difficulties or can be called weaknesses and strengths.

  47. dinda azahra
    The video is very useful for people who want to know how to do a good interview

  48. Rastania Putri Gunawan
    12 IPS 5

    This material is very helpful for my learning, because the learning videos are very easy to understand

  49. Revan Anugerah
    XII IPS 2

    If we want to be successful, don't complain, because complaining will only make our lives more depressed, while being grateful will always lead us to the path of ease.

  50. Reiva Ayu Putriana
    12 Social 5
    Thank you very much mrs. for the material that has been given to us, it really helps me to more understand the material about job interviews. And also in another video, the songs can entertain us, and inspire us, young people who are looking for our dreams and identity

  51. Epitasari
    12 Social 5
    Thank you for the lessons that you have given, the videos are very inspiring and motivating and I also get a lot of useful knowledge from the videos I watch, I really understand the video on how to apply for a job that is right and can also be practiced when looking for work later

  52. Adiesa Putri Cantika
    12 Socialist 5
    The learning material so clear and helpful.
    Even some videos help to open our minds.
    We can turn all the lyrics of the song into motivational words, so we can learn more and become more confident to our dreams.
    though it's hard

    12 SOCIAL 5
    the meaning for me based on the recommended videos is not to be afraid to dream, the videos listed above really motivate me to achieve my dreams and aspirations and also I have an idea of ​​what I will be in the future. in the video above, there is also a video example of a conversation in an interview using English, it will be very helpful for me, for example I will have a job interview later. I also learned about what is usually asked in a job interview. Thank you mrs,have a greaat night

  54. Bunga asliana
    12 ips 3
    of the video is very useful. for easy-to-understand tips for learning interviews in English


Chapter 2 Caption Text

  CAPTION TEXT 💡KOMPETENSI DASAR ✅KD 3.2 👉Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk ...